
Always a Uncle, never a Uncle Dad...

Isn't that how the old Appalachian proverb goes? In my 31 some years of life experience I have managed to escape pre-teen pregnancy, teen pregnancy, post- teen pregnancy, early onset adult fatherhood disorder, Maury Povich show paternity tests etc, etc....

I dodged the statistics or maybe the "statistics" dodged me, opting for other prospects to dive head first into the gene pool with. I couldn't swim so well ..... well, ever. So I waded around, can doggy paddle,  float on my back, and even dive really well, like off stuff n things like cliffs, trees, n' docks & shit.

 There is no lifeguard on duty in the gene pool, but that never stopped my friends from gettin busy in the Burger King bathroom, which leads me back to the beginning of my ramblings of being a "Uncle." I am not actually a certifiable Uncle, as I have no siblings that have spawned. But I have best friends with kids who affectionately coin me as "Uncle Jesse" with their young ones.... some have been calling me this since birth and may not know otherwise.... EVER.  I have cherished this role, have taken much joy in seeing them grow, not having to change their diapers ( Editors note: I totally will for my kid) and teaching them to fish, ride bikes, or take them to dance.

I like to teach, to show my adopted nieces and nephews things I learned growing up outside the city. So, I couldn't help but always wonder what it would be like have a little being of my own...

I attempted to make it out of dirt and dust, then thought I could use a rib perhaps. Finally I found Kirsten, the perfect mate to pro-create. . . and pro's we are. I sorta feel bad having a child with such an amazing lady. I mean, she is so gorgeous, highly intellectual, and super funny..... mixed with... you know, stuff & qualities I possess, that other kids in our child's class don't stand a chance. We are being old fashioned and waiting till our baby is born to find out is it's a boy or a girl, one thing is for sure, whatever the gender it is sure to be Rad. So for now we call our precious "Radimus"

Overall I don't really have the words to say how excited I am to bring new life into the world with my chosen partner.... so I will let these pictures do the talking.

But, I am super pumped that I know who my babies momma is!